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Jellybean - Possum Rescue & Recovery

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
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Jellybean, a juvenile Brushtail possum was found by a motorist near the Weigelli Aboriginal Centre on Pine Mount Road, Woodstock. (Her name came from Wei-gelli).

She was found on the road near her dead mother. The damage to her head was caused by her skidding along the tarred road after her mother was struck by a car.

When rescued, she weighed just 67g and had to be fed six times a day. Read more to hear about her recovery.

After approximately three months in our care, Jellybean was able to be released, in her box, at Ken and Maxine property in Crowther.

Though their property has some significant areas of bush, she wasted no time setting up house on their verandah!

You can help us help more wildlife like Jellybean this summer, please consider a secure online donation.

by Mick Ansell of Cowra

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