WIRES Policies, Procedures, Guidelines and Handbooks
Conditions of WIRES Membership
Community Standards Social and Online for Members/Branches
Responsibilities of a WIRES Member
Firearms Training and Authorisation Information
Image and Video Photography Guidelines
Image and Video Guidelines - Food, Rescue, Rehabilitation and Release
RICC documents are all available on the RICC Workshops page
Species Management Teams Handbook
Work Health and Safety information is available on the WHS page
Disclaimer - Children at Training Course
Animals and Animal Care Policies:
1.29 Koala Rehabilitation Policy
1.29a Koala Rehabilitation Nomination Form
1.11 Interstate Transportation of Animals
1.2 Nutrition for Native Animals
1.22 Mounted & Preserved Specimens
1.26 Environment Integrity Policy
1.29 Euthanasia decisions based on species or class
1.5 Collection of Animals in the WIRES Network
1.6 Conflict Between Branches over Surrendered Animals
1.8 Use of WIRES Animals for Education & Exhibition Purposes
1.9 Euthanasia and becoming an accredited shooter
2.2 Authorisation of WIRES Rescuers
2.3 Authorisation of WIRES Rehabilitators
2.4 Equivalent Qualifications for Authorisation
2.5 Registering and De-registering Animals
2.6 Refusal to Recommend Renewal of Authorisation
2.7 Authorisation and Training of Individuals Out of Branch Area
2.8 Renewal of Lapsed Rehabilitator and Rescue Authorities
2.9 Dual Membership of Rehabilitation Organisations
2.10 Policies for New Recruits
Branch Management Policies:
3.1 Conduct of WIRES Meetings with Standing Orders
3.4 Nomination and Election of WIRES Branch Exec and BMC
Guidelines for Alternate Reps Attending WSC Meetings
Miscellaneous Policies:
6.4 Facebook Community Guidelines
7.3 Alteration or Creation of WIRES Policies
8.3 Agreement between WIRES Branches and a Branch Member for Loan of Equipmen